• Strata

2010 ISTM Sailing Challenge


The Institute of Strata Title Management (ISTM), is the leading professional body for the strata and community title sector in NSW, and recently held their annual sailing challenge. Wendy Wong from Netstrata attended the challenge and said it “was a great day and good opportunity to speak with other strata managers about the benefits of strata living and the challenges facing the sector”.

Wendy Wong at the Helm lookout!

ISTM represents over 1,300 strata managers, principals and suppliers in the sector. The members’ experience ranges from large corporates to small family businesses. They have expertise in all facets of strata management and service provision. Their experience spans those with a lifetime in the industry, to those who are just beginning their careers.

Wendy and some other Crew.

Membership of the Institute is open to Strata Managers and Suppliers to the sector. A subscription service is also available to those owning a strata or community lot and members of the Owners Corporation Strata Committee. ISTM is a affiliate member of NCTI, the national body for Strata and Community Title Managers.

A great Day for All